From Berlin, with love
Hey folks,
If someone writes an opinion piece about your city's startup scene and it isn't quite reflecting your opinion, then what would you do? A founder in Berlin wrote a counter perspective about his Berlin and did it with such a German flair we couldn't resist to put it in this issue.
Also, read about what the next Dollar Shave Club can learn from failure, 19 refreshing content marketing ideas, design that can scale up, a map of European investors, and why selling is a necessary skill for an entrepreneur.
Take it all in, and have a fantastic weekend,
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Are Berlin startups wasting their potential? An insider’s perspective
The author of this article reacts to an opinion piece on why Berlin's startups aren't succeeding globally.
Modern Entrepreneurship
What the next Dollar Shave Club can learn from failure
Hear from the investors and initial board members what their key takeaways are in the direct-to-consumer commerce.
19 content marketing ideas that aren’t blog posts
Tips and tricks by Susan Su, who specialises in content and email marketing at 500 Startups.
We made the decision to add six more steps to our onboarding — And it worked. Here’s why
A solid design article, written by the senior designer at Drift.
Design doesn’t scale?
Whoever said that design does not scale should read this story. In this article, Spotify's design director shows how it can be done.
Figuring out what a startup CTO actually does
Growing with your startup requires you to grow into your role. Read about how the CTO of SnapDocs, after two years, grew into his role and what he does as a CTO.
3 Simple tactics companies can use to become more diverse
Learn from Pandora, Slack, Airbnb, and Clover Health what they’re doing to become more diverse. And how you can do it too.
Almost all investors will promise you “Value” beyond money. What you should really look for?
Bits of advice from the co-founder and CEO of
Techstars’ digital ‘investors in Europe’ map
Techstars created a map of European investors that invest in Digital startups. Are there enough investors where you live?
5 Reasons why selling is the key skill founders need to learn
"What is the core driver that gets a sale done in your business? Without understanding that, you have nothing."
Thank you
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Best, Leon
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