Sponsoring Startup Curated allows us to spend even more time making sure each and every issue holds quality content for our audience which consists of founders from across the globe. It is also a nice way for our community to showcase their work. Your message will go out to all 9,572 subscribers, combined with only the best content. Our open rate is above 30% and our clickthrough rate is above 4%.
Currently, there are two spots you can claim, one is for companies that would like to support Startup Curated and want to be named with a link and a banner at the top of the issue. The other option is for interesting content or products that a startup wants to showcase to our audience, it is placed amongst the rest of the content, and without a banner.
Ready to book your spot? Or if you have any questions, please get in touch with Edward.
One sponsor per issue
One sponsor per issue
Please get in touch with Edward to book your sponsorship and reach 9,572 peers in the global startup community.