This week we've included an article on taking advice and a founder who talks us through his scale-down practices. And, an article on how funding is impacted by the Coronavirus.

The pandemic does not only impact funding but also work practices. For example, here in the Netherlands, we're heavily encouraged to work remotely. So, let us share advice on those aspects and how to keep our heads up in these times. Hit reply if you want to share anything with us,

Enjoy reading this issue,

Simone, Startup Curated

Must readMust read


Modern EntrepreneurshipModern Entrepreneurship



Thank youThank you

Thank you for finishing issue #266 & credits

Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and special thanks go out to Leon Pals and Raymond Hannes for their help with curating! Want to be part of the team or curate a guest issue? Send us a message!

If you value Startup Curated, feel free to forward this copy to your friends to help us grow. Or consider sponsoring, simply reply and we'll talk!

Simone from Startup Curated