We hope you're having a great start of your weekend and wanted to share a thought on being 'entrepreneur-friendly' or 'entrepreneur-first'.

Our idea of being Entrepreneur First focused is that organizations that are supporting startups or entrepreneurs should contain - and ideally have been built by entrepreneurs.

We believe that this is as close to a guarantee you can get that an organization is entrepreneur-friendly. Of course, this is merely a pre-requisite. How an organization acts is what determines its status.

We are interested in hearing from you what you think the Entrepreneur First credo entails, and which actions signal this attitude. Please reply to this email, or join us on Startup Chat to discuss.

Leon from Startup Curated

Must readMust read


Modern EntrepreneurshipModern Entrepreneurship





Thank youThank you

Thank you for finishing issue #115 & credits

Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and special thanks go out to Simone for editing and Esther and Timan from NEXT Amsterdam, and Raymond from Vita.io for curating!

If you value Startup Curated, feel free to forward this copy to your friends or to share (editable) on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to help us grow.

Leon from Startup Curated