Founderskit is now Startup Deals
We've had a very busy week (and it's definitely not over) as we've acquired Founderskit (ran by the great guys Mike and Fred from We Are Contrast) and turned it into Startup Deals. We've made this small acquisition so we could expand our value proposition to you, and our partners.
If you become a member of Startup Deals you can expect the following, starting today: new deals monthly, and free access to Startup Chat as one of the deals.
Apart from the above, we would like to wish you a great time for this last week of 2016.
Happy holidays,
Simone, Timan, Esther, Raymond & Leon
Must read
Hindsight is Twenty20
One of the founders of Twenty20 looks back on their early growth, and how the numbers blinded them from the truth. A must-read piece with lots of insights.
Questions to ask yourself if 2017 is to be your year
Great motivational piece for 2017, by our friends from the Happy startup school.
Modern Entrepreneurship
Use the Broken-Promise Strategy to validate your startup
Ask your friends to not share your startup idea. If they break their promise, they can't help themselves.
Product-Market Fit requires arbitrage
Defining if you have Product-Market Fit requires numbers and common sense.
From Computation to Consciousness: Can AI reveal the nature of our minds?
The question: “Who are we?”: — How does our mind work, and how does it relate to the universe? — is the most fascinating riddle we humans can ask ourselves.
Encryption is a human rights issue: Your privacy and free speech depend on it
"Dance like nobody is watching, encrypt like everybody is", Werner Vogels (CTO Amazon) wrote on Facebook yesterday. Now more true than ever, encryption is a crucial part of your digital life and should maybe even be a right.
Global startup ecosystem
Complete this survey, so the Global Startup Ecosystem Report will give an accurate reflection of your ecosystem (read by over half a million people).
What I learned as the first analyst on the AngelList investment team
We find it interesting to learn how much manual labor AngelList is putting into its Syndicate angel platform. And, how involved they are to make it work and make it scale.
Meaningful VC exits
Being able to determine if you're capable of creating a meaningful return for an investor is key to get a sense of whether they will be interested in investing at all.
Thank you
Thank you for finishing issue #99 🚀 & credits
Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and thanks to Simone for editing and Esther and Timan from NEXT Amsterdam, and Raymond from for curating!
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