Back again
Yesterday I moved my startup.curated list to During the move it also sent you a "welcome message" from Marketing BS. What I SHOULD have done is personalized that message to reduce confusion. So sorry for the confusion.
Assuming you did not unsubscribe from that list, this morning you should be getting two emails - this one, and one from MarketingBS. Apart from the preambles and the formatting they should be the same. If you do NOT see the Marketing BS email, please check you spam folders, etc - or just reply to this email to let me know and I can try to fix the problem.
If you do see it, there is nothing for you to do. You will keep getting the Marketing BS emails going forward.
Thanks again for your patience as I manage this transition.
Keep it simple,

Scott Adams, the creator of “Dilbert” said some controversial things last week. It got his comic strip cancelled in all of its remaining newspaper syndication. Now Penguin Random House, the imprint, has announced that they will not publishing his upcoming book, “Reframe Your Brain”.
The key point here is that what Scott Adams said was controversial. Those on the left believe it is radically racist. Those on the right disagree. When someone is controversial and polarizing, that is a GOOD thing for book sales. People who are indifferent do not buy books. Agree or disagree with Adams’ comments, it is a good bet his book will sell MORE copies now than it would have before he made people angry.
So why stop publication of a book that has just increased its expected sales?
Because Penguin is less worried about sales of a particular book, than they are about having productive and happy employees. The book publishing industry does not pay well, and attracts (left leaning) liberal arts majors. It’s another great example of marketing to employees.
Keep it simple,