Any thoughts on what we should do next?
We received tons of replies last time, so we're going to organize a little meetup when we arrive in San Fran! We also got confirmation on an exciting speaking engagement for when we're there, Leon will give a presentation about #startup, this SF Curated and the future of Startup Foundation at the Lean Startup Conference.
Do you have any suggestions for what we can do next to help founders across the globe?
We hope you appreciate this week's curated content, and that you may learn something from the experience of others.
Have a good one!
Company culture: It takes a lot more than free beer and ping pong
Culture is about people, including their personalities, behaviors, and work ethic. If you think about it, when employees are satisfied with their workplace environment, their job responsibilities, work/life balance, and compensation, they don’t really have a reason to leave unless they aren’t in sync with their coworkers.
How to structure an effective interview
Try the following structure for your next interview, and see how it can bring out a side of your interviewee that you may not have expected.
Why it's safe for founders to be nice
In the words of Paul Graham, be as kind as you want, as long as you work hard on your growth rate to compensate.
How psychology can help generate more clicks on your links
There is always a scientific or psychological explanation that answers the question “what motivates a visitor to take action?”
Why we are launching exclusively on Product Hunt, not on TechCrunch
"When you compare the people who actively engage on Product Hunt to the people on TechCrunch it is pretty clear that Product Hunt’s community is unmatched when it comes to gaining product insight."
The story behind how pocket hit 20M users with 20 people
In this exclusive interview, Weiner explains why scaling a company doesn’t always mean increasing headcount (and burn).
10 young entrepreneurs who didn’t let age hold them back
Generation Y-not? And the lemonade stands of today.
The rise of the exponential organization
Have you heard of ExO or Exponential Organisations? They're slowly taking over our world.
15 Things we learned the hard way doing our early b2b outbound sales
Learn from rookie mistakes and questions this founder had with his very early sales process.
How to find the best pricing strategy for a SaaS product
What if I told you that you could put in the exact same amount of work to receive over 3x the return?
That's the reality of focusing on your pricing strategy, rather than simply trying to increase your conversion rates.