Must read

What makes founders succeed
In this post, Co-founder of Y-Combinator and author of Founders At Work, Jessica Livingston, shares the motivational, emotional and behavioral qualities of successful founders. Curious what you might have in common with top-tier entrepreneurs?
Work with the 2.984618%
Toptal has the top 3% ultra-vetted freelance developers. It's fact, not gimmick.
Modern Entrepreneurship
How playing poker is similar to running a startup
Ex-professional poker player turned startup founder, explains how she uses poker “rules” in her life and work. And here are some of them :)
Growth vs retention
Have you been doing this mistake? You thought you have product market fit and you focused on growth: you scaled up your hiring, your marketing, your sales, and your capital raising and spending. But have you really reached product-market fit? This is how to know for sure.
8 tips to build a passionate social media community
There are 8 ingredients essential to building that passionate community.

Your guide to blogging on Medium
Content distribution is hard. Here is how to use Medium to reach your target audience in a competitive web content landscape.
Putting user insights into context
There is a tendency in product teams to follow best practices. But best practices are not tailored to meet your objectives -- they took place elsewhere, within a different context. Unfortunately, many product teams end up dogmatically following instead of contextualizing for their specific case. This article shows you how to evaluate your user insights contextually.
The 15 best browser extensions to improve your social media marketing
There’re several great extensions out there to supercharge your browser and streamline the tasks you keep coming back to. Here is the list!
How to make your marketing team even smarter by promoting knowledge
There are many benefits to developing and sharing knowledge within your marketing team. While knowledge hoarding can be a real problem and nurture negative working attitudes; knowledge sharing and development can spark new ideas, drive your team forward and make your team feel valuable.
What I learned from getting my first 100 customers
The lessons I’ve learned in the process have made me a better entrepreneur and marketer – and they can help you as well.
- Productivity & Personal Growth
The essential guide on how to be a great leader
This post is designed to be an exhaustive collection of resources that can equip you to be the best leader you can be today, all packed into a short, manageable read.
- Articles & Lessons Learned

Deep linking for dummies, newbies … and interns
This article explains the most important terms in the deep linking world in plain English. And if you want to go even deeper (pun intended) it'll provide you with some helpful links along the way.