This week's issue contains a few must-reads: an article outlining seven steps that might help your business recover, and another explores successful apps' growth process. Also included: a webinar to build a strong career, a plea for writing changelogs, and how the future of workweeks and -places might change.
Enjoy reading, keep well,
Good entrepreneurs don’t set out to disrupt
"The focus of the entrepreneur is on the horizon beyond the wall."
This twist on the four-day workweek could get people back to work without causing new outbreaks
On the future of the workplace: what will offices and workweeks look like post-crisis?
Forever employable: building an invincible career
This webinar offers recommendations to become 'forever employable'.
Modern Entrepreneurship
Seven small steps to business recovery
Steve Blank offers an outline of how to let your business recover in seven small steps.
Startups, write changelogs
"Changelogs are not uncommon in software development, but often they are not used in early-stage companies to engage with users and investors."
($) 3 Powerful startup lessons I learned from Jeff Bezos
What you could learn from the richest man in the world.
How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users
This author presents seven strategies, after doing some research himself, on how major apps were able to grow so fast.
($) This brilliant marketing strategy costs $0.12
Understanding why people pay more to see a band perform live on stage rather than to buy the CD is key to your marketing success.
How to truly measure a Venture Capitalist’s performance?
On what factors and markers to be aware of.
($) How can you stand out to potential investors?
On why and how great founders or CEO's do stand out, and why they get investments.
Thank you
Thank you for finishing issue #276 & credits
Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and special thanks go out to Leon Pals and Raymond Hannes for their help with curating! Want to be part of the team or curate a guest issue? Send us a message!
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