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3 top startup myths debunked
Myth 1 debunked: working for yourself (does not) means that you get to do what you want.
A guide to leadership and creating a vision
Make sure not just your CEO has passion, but your whole company should be aware of your vision.
Modern Entrepreneurship
Hosting a virtual event
Some insights and practicalities from YCombinator's director of events on hosting a virtual event.
Why managing burn is so important
Create different scenario's to map your roadmap during and after this period.
A manual for leading scrum teams to maturity
On making sure your team, product and process go forward.
Marketing and growth lessons in uncertain times
A long-read that offers information and strategies to help your startup forward after the crisis.
Selling in a crisis: insights from leaders who have done it before
“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.”
How to manage innovation during a recession
This author argues, "Defend your existing responsibilities, then prepare to go on offense to acquire new assets".
Should VCs invest in young or old founders?
When they've achieved a financial buffer, some experience, and a big idea.
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Thank you for finishing issue #271 & credits
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