This week, one of our articles argues about why it's okay to be #2. Have you been in this position? Or perhaps been a #3 or #4, and how did you deal with that?

Other articles in this week's Curated discuss advice on how to prioritize ruthlessly, how you can make a smooth transition from founder to employer, and what kind of companies VCs aren't allowed to invest in.

Enjoy reading,

Simone, Startup Curated


Modern EntrepreneurshipModern Entrepreneurship



Thank youThank you

Thank you for finishing issue #251 & credits

Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and special thanks go out to Leon Pals and Raymond Hannes for their help with curating!

If you value Startup Curated, feel free to forward this copy to your friends to help us grow. Or consider sponsoring, simply reply and we'll talk!

Simone, Startup Curated