What's your advice?

This week's Must Read is the rehashed top startup advice from Y Combinator, which has been around, but it is just so strong it can't harm to absorb again.

However, we are especially interested in the essential startup advice you would give to other founders. Please reply to this email with your advice, if we get enough gold, Simone will share our communities words of wisdom with credits next week!

Leon from Startup Curated

Must readMust read


Modern EntrepreneurshipModern Entrepreneurship



Thank youThank you

Thank you for finishing issue #139 & credits

Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and special thanks go out to Raymond, and Ayush from RefR for curating!

If you value Startup Curated, feel free to forward this copy to your friends to help us grow, or consider sponsoring.

Simone from Startup Curated