How has your week been?

We just received the final cut of the video our friend and fellow Bob Jansen made of me during our last Startup Academy. It's hilarious as it seems I'm not able to stand still, and because I thought we were just practising and trying out his new gear, but it actually turned out to be a cool and unscripted little video on why we do these weekend workshops. You should know that Bob is actually on somewhat of a mission to find and record/interview founders that operate under the radar, such as this piece with Gert-Jan van der Wel on Floorplanner. Maybe he'll talk to you next?

Meanwhile, Simone has submitted her thesis for her PhD candidacy and could finish some of the Startup Founder interviews you submitted, such as the stories of Martijn de Kuiper from Revue and John Saddington from Pinpoint. You know you can submit yours right?

Leon from Startup Curated

Must readMust read





Thank youThank you

For finishing issue #118 & credits

Special thanks go out to Simone for editing and Raymond from for curating!

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Leon from Startup Curated