Startup Update

Our first Startup Founder interview is live, we've got a couple more in the pipeline, maybe you want to add yours?

We also have two new deals on Startup Deals: 90% off of Hubspot for two years & 30% off of Drift, for life 💸

We are working hard to build the next iteration for our global startup community. Soon, you'll be able to access all we have, create a profile, and more with your membership. If you're not a Startup Chat or Startup Deals member yet, we'd suggest joining us 😘

Have a great weekend!

Leon from Startup Curated

Must readMust read



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Thanks & credits

Thank you for reading Startup Curated, and thanks to Simone for editing and Esther and Timan from NEXT Amsterdam, and Raymond from for curating!

If you value Startup Curated, feel free to forward this copy to your friends or to share (editable) on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to help us grow.

Leon from Startup Curated