Stripe, VCs advice, startup valuations, equity splits, and mistakes
Sex & startups, VCs vs women, 20.000 subscribers through Medium, Microsoft & design thinking
Product Hunt, HBR, digital companies, teens and Snapchat
Fear of failure, startup metrics, PR tactics, effect of accelerator programs
Better customer interviews, messaging apps & app ecosystem, UX design, and your behaviour
Potato Parcel, response of CEO Zappos, metrics, venture funding, and Outlook.
Holacracy at Zappos, focus at Nest, improving workplace and PR strategy
Becoming the best in your field, guide to seed funding, and co-living
VCs version of Drake and Bieber, Steve Blank, App Store, Clickbait, Googlers
State of Startups, Hype of hackathons, Basecamp, diversity, privacy vs Google analytics, Kickstarter campaign plan